Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Timeline 1125

1125 BC

Iron used for weapons and tools
Hunting and gathering in Japan
Painted grey ware developes
Gough's cave, Cheddar gorge and Somerset were used as hunting bases.
Red slipped ware in use at Makne, Aore Island
Arapus ware in use at Efate Island, Vanuatu

Rameses VII becomes Pharaoh
Rameses VIII becomes Pharaoh

Fortified hilltop sites develop

Assassination of Apheidas

1125 AD

First use of flying buttresses in construction of St. Denis
In Paris, Abbot Suger began the construction of the church of St. Denis in Gothic style
Unique Durham coins produced
Cotton garments widely used in Andes

Lothair III of Saxony crowned Holy Roman Emperor
King Henry V dies
Gane Becomes King of Ghana
Georgios IV becomes ruler of Makuria
David I becomes king of United Scotland
Death of Henry I
Stephen Becomes King of England
Majan Wagadou becomes King of Ghana

The Knights Templar founded in Jerusalem
The first Lateran Council condemns Simony
Lalibela Established as capitol city of Christian Ethiopia
Diet of Worms
The first Lateran Council condemns clerical marriage
Kingdom of Mapunguwe develops
Abbot Suger begins the construction of the Church of St. Denis
Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, founded by Benedictine Monks
Leicester Abbey - St. Mary de Pratis is founded
Mint established at Durham


Croatia unites with Hungary
Organized societies develop in the Hawaiian Islands

Works Cited

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week One

Artifacts: For Iar 112 we were given the assignment of drawing five illuminated objects. After spending a lot of time drawing these objects I realized that these are not just artifacts, but they tell a story as well. It was really interesting to see how the words we were assigned for week one of this semester started to come together. I really enjoyed writing the little stories about each of my artifacts that I drew. I remembered a lot more about what they mean to me then I think about when I see them on a regular basis. It was also very interesting to see what other people drew and to hear about why they drew those items. In iar 221, we talked about Jules David Prown. He is famous for his studies on material culture which uses a lot of artifacts to learn about past cultures. He is famous for the works "Mind in Matter" and "Style as Evidence"

Stories: For Studio we had to each read a Grimm fairy tale. Reading the stories was fun, but looking closer into them and their meanings again helped me to tie together the words we were assigned this week. The Grimm fairy tales were stories that have been passed down from generation to generation and then eventually written down. The same stories have been translated in many different languages. These are some notes that i took when I read my fairy tale, which was "The Singing Bone"

Translations: I used the board that we made for studio about our fairy tales to represent the word translation. I chose to do this because translation has a lot to do with interpretation in my mind. What i put on my board is what i got out of the story, my interpretation, and by translating the story into images this is what i came up with.

Cycle: In history, or Iar 221, we talked a lot about cycles. We focused a lot of the design cycle. The two main people that we talked about when we covered the design cycle were Charles Edward Gray and A.L Kroeber. We talked about how history repeats itself, not only in architecture, but in music, fashion, and many other parts of life. We talked about Richard Buchanan and Victor Margolin and their culture studies. This is based on three things, social, cultural and Philosophical aspects of life. We talked about the peaking point of different careers, which was somewhat shocking to find out that a historian does not peak until the age of eighty.

Multi view: In studio we watched the movie "A Midsummer Nights Dream" This is a good example of stories, artifacts, translations and multi view. It is a good example of multi view because we did in fact watch the movie rather than a live theatrical version of the story. Because it was a film we were able to see multiple views. We did not just see one angle of the scenes but every angle. With the cameras they could do close ups or different shots that they could not do when the play was first written and performed. 
     Another aspect of multi view could be the different views that people have on the same subject. For example Wotton sums up design in three parts in his book "The Elements of Architecture" the three parts are delight, commodity, and firmness. On the other hand Christian Norberg - Schulz describes design in four parts, Physical control, functional frame, social mileu, and cultural symbolization. Both of these thoughts have pretty much the same views, but are explained in two different ways.

     After thinking about all the terms that we had for this week it is easy to see how they all fit together. Most stories contain multiple views, and artifacts of some sort. Almost all stories have different translations. Most novels are translated into many languages and many movies are translated. Stories go in cylces, many times the story comes back around in the end to where it began.
Another thing that I thought was interesting was the Illuminated Objects assignment because it made me think about how even the smallest things that seem so unimportant to one person can have such a special and interesting story or meaning to the next person.
