1125 BC
Iron used for weapons and tools
Hunting and gathering in Japan
Painted grey ware developes
Gough's cave, Cheddar gorge and Somerset were used as hunting bases.
Red slipped ware in use at Makne, Aore Island
Arapus ware in use at Efate Island, Vanuatu
Rameses VII becomes Pharaoh
Rameses VIII becomes Pharaoh
Fortified hilltop sites develop
Assassination of Apheidas
1125 AD
First use of flying buttresses in construction of St. Denis
In Paris, Abbot Suger began the construction of the church of St. Denis in Gothic style
Unique Durham coins produced
Cotton garments widely used in Andes
Lothair III of Saxony crowned Holy Roman Emperor
King Henry V dies
Gane Becomes King of Ghana
Georgios IV becomes ruler of Makuria
David I becomes king of United Scotland
Death of Henry I
Stephen Becomes King of England
Majan Wagadou becomes King of Ghana
The Knights Templar founded in Jerusalem
The first Lateran Council condemns Simony
Lalibela Established as capitol city of Christian Ethiopia
Diet of Worms
The first Lateran Council condemns clerical marriage
Kingdom of Mapunguwe develops
Abbot Suger begins the construction of the Church of St. Denis
Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, founded by Benedictine Monks
Leicester Abbey - St. Mary de Pratis is founded
Mint established at Durham
Croatia unites with Hungary
Organized societies develop in the Hawaiian Islands
Works Cited
Marble Garden: floral oil painting
1 year ago