Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
precedent analysis
Aeriel view
exterior perspective - 2
interior perspective - 2
sections - 2
detail of interior hardware
detail of exterior hardware
north elevation
south elevation
1/8th inch scale ink on bond for all drawings
I - introduction
a. what the building is used for
b. when it was built
c. location
II. history of the building
a. old building that held the country music hall of fame
b. differences between old building and new building.
III - Exterior
a. who designed it
b. talk about the design firm
c. symbolic meaning behind exterior design
IV - interior
a. who designed the interior
b. what the interior represents and why it was made the way that it is
V. - conclusion
a. commodity firmness and delight
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Precedent analysis

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Macro to Micro
Another technique used to create the impression of heaven on earth and to make the massive buildings appear to be even bigger was painting, commonly frescos. "Both woodworking techniques and painting were used to extend space". (Blakemore 97) This was a common thing to see in Florence interiors. They focused a lot on detail and used a lot of different techniques, "of decorative techniques used for both walls and furniture intarsia was a central phenomenon of the period, used to represent perspective schemes of architecture." (Blakemore 97) Another technique used for decoration during the middle ages was stained glass. The architects used as much window space as possible in order to use stained glass as a sort of diagram or storyboard to tell stories. This also ties in with the idea of letting light into the buildings, because light was so important.
There was a strong sense of composition in the construction of the cathedrals. The was a standard that they all shared. "More than any previous medieval building type the gothic cathedral was quickly standardized in its plan and basic components."(Roth 333) Early gothic churches of chartres standardized the components. "by the time the last of these was begun, cathedral architecture had reached the stage called high gothic, fully developed in all its consituent and intedgraded parts, pointed arches and broken rib vaulting, skeletonized structure and exterior flying buttress.(Roth 333)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
In the Gothic style they took the form of the Greek orders as a precedent and stretched them as high as they could to reach towards the heavens. They took building upwards to a new extreme with the Amiens Cathedral. Not only did the medieval style use Greek orders as a precedent. "From the collapse of the Roman Empire to the end of the middle ages, two international styles of art had the greatest import for medieval western Europe: Romanesque and Gothic."(Blakemore 68). Precedents have been used for architecture from one culture to the next, after the fall of the Roman Empire was not the first time. "Both form and inorante Roman design was based on greek prototypes"(blakemore 67) and the Greeks used Egyptian architecture as a prototype for theirs. within medieval middle ages architecture "innovations in European castle design were inspired in part by what the crusaders saw of the fortifications around Constantinople and also from what they learned of fortifications built by the muslims" (Roth 307)
We can relate duality to drawing as well as to social orders and architecture. In class we did a drawing of our bedrooms how we remembered them. The duality being drawing from life as aposed to drawing from memory. It was hard to get some of the details and proportions right as well as perspective. When drawing the room we had to think of a specific moment and draw how we remembered the room that morning. Its easy to get the basics of the room down because you are so familiar with a room like your bedroom but to capture the moment from memory was really hard. We also drew moments when we went out to various buildings. We had to draw various rooms and we had to make sure to add a scale figure to give it a feeling of presence and not just an empty building. Adding the scale figures really captured the moment because there is action and you can see how the various rooms funtion.
Along with drawing thumbnails we were told to draw the building in more depth, by drawing the buildings bigger we were able to capture the moment even better.
When drawing the buildings bigger we were suposd to pick an artists work as a precedent and mimic their drawing techniques in our own. It was important to feel the presence of the artist techniques with out completly changing our own techniques.
One way of trying to capture a moment was when we were asked as a warm up to draw the teacher assistants. We only had five minutes to capture what they were doing, or to capture the moment which made it really difficult to add any detail, because i was focusing more on trying to get the proportions down. One way that the Amiens Cathedral captures a moment is by having this piece in the center of the cathedral. It represents the Architects that worked on it and the archbishop of the cathedral. This captures various moments, it represents the time that each of the three architects worked on the project and the work that they did. It also gives a sense of presence in that the octaganal plank that the architects and archbishop are represented on will always be there.

The architect that built the foundation of the Amiens Cathedral used a metric system to lay out the floor plan. The floor was made up Roman feet which are 29.5 cm each. It was made up of tiles, in a very geometic pattern. Geometric patterns line the floors.
Overall this week I was able to draw a lot of connections between the Prompt words, our classes, and the world around me. There are examples of duality all around us, capturing the moment has a duality between real life, and memory. Drawing people in the moment, or having representations of people in a space gives the space or drawing a presense. There is geomety and the metric system present whether we measure in what our idea of a foot is or a Roman foot. And there are precedents present in every thing we do, whether its exterior architecture or interior architecture, or drawing.
Dome Image found at
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Precedent Analysis
i chose to do the ryman auditorium because it is a building with a lot of history. It is the home of the famous grand ole opry, and still has many musical guests come play there. Its located in Nashville TN. The Ryman auditorium was the home for the Johnny Cash show. It was built by Thomas Ryman, a riverboat captain from Nashville